
Umi Rinses In The Backwater

Umi Rinses In The Backwater

A true Carnipelagian beauty. Carefree and daring. Umi Suba.

Umi Relaxes At Costa Preto

Umi At Costa Preto

Costa Preto is on the south side of the volcano. Very few people make it this way because there are no roads that lead here and the waters around the shore are treacherous. A perfect landing place for an air balloon. In fact, there are several iron ties affixed to the volcanic rock around the whole area.

Umi At Costa Preto

Umi At Costa Preto


The lizards and egrets seemed to know her.

"This is one of my favorite places," she revealed, "I used to swim naked here all the time! But I guess for your magazine, I should keep my clothes on."

I pondered composing a request to the Venus Island Girl board of directors to waive the current format rules for Umi's spectacular body.

And truth be told, I did get her to strip for me, but that's another story.

Floating Their Boats!

Venus Island Girl Page

Think you can't get a decent boat at the High Street Marinas for less than 800c? Of course, you can! Venus Island Girl features a few lovely sea-faring locals and their small, but enjoyable watercraft. All of them were originally purchased for under 800 clams [About $2,000 in US Dollars].

Cast Your Net!

Venus Island Girl Page

Despite the ban on nude beaches, these ladies still like to flaunt their golden assets along the shores of the Sea of Secrets.

Windi In The Pink Bikini

Windi In The Pink Bikini

Windi put up with Deximo's "lame" umbrella idea for a few choice shots, then giggled a little to herself and said, "I'm gonna sell more copies of your magazine than Sami did."

With that she teeter-tottered off to the dressing area.

Windi Rocks The Bikini

Windi Rocks The Bikini

Windi, for all her quirks, is one hell of a model.

Windi The Weatherbabe Downs One

Windi The Weatherbabe Downs One


"It's warm," she complained, about the rum. Then with a shrug, "I'll deal with it. After all. It's 'Cock Rocket'."

And it was on sale.

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