
Angel and Randi wait for Vitor

Angel and Randi wait for Vitor


Finally the Tucci Brothers arrive, clad in their uniforms, which were as miniscule as the girls' t-shirts.

"Mae Dose! [ED: Carnipelagian slang, hard to enterpret.] They barely fit in those shorts." exclaims Angel.

"Mmm. This is gonna be fun," adds Randi.

"We made our own rule," Angel explains to us, "That if you lose any part of your uniform, you can't put it back on. We think that will be a popular rule. I mean, we do want to sell tickets someday."

"Mmm. Fun," Randi reiterates.

Angel Waits For Vitor

Angel Waits For Vitor

"We're still waiting for Vitor and Vinicious," says Angel, gazing over at the parking lot, "You'd think those boys would want to play with us enough to be on time."

Podgy Haelie

Podgy Haelie

We didn't know what "podgy" meant, but if it had something to do with her breasts, it was okay with us.

Haelie Arrives At The Sandlot

Haelie Arrives At The Sandlot

We'd heard about Haelie, but we didn't expect such a curvy little package.

"You must be from the magazine," she chirped in a cute little British accent, "Do you think I'm Venus Island Girl material? I'm a little on the podgy side."

Uh huh. Welcome to our country, Haelie Ann. Let's hope you can stay for a while.

Angel Looks For Her Teammates

Angel Looks For Her Teammates

"Here comes Haelie! Wait 'till you meet her!"

Angel Models Her Game Jersey

Angel Models Her Game Jersey

Angel models one of her earlier game jerseys.

Randi Gets Ready To Be Tackled

Randi Gets Ready To Be Tackled

Randi warns us that if we photograph their little practice, they'll fly out of her shirt a lot. Damn. We should have brought more film.

Randi Poses In Her Too Small Tee Shirt

Randi Poses In Her Too Small Tee Shirt

Randi seemed to enjoy the fact that her tiny t-shirt could barely cover her new tits.

"I didn't get them done to hide them, silly," she says, "And don't they look a weency bit like footballs? Isn't that cool?"

Randi and Angel in the Sand

Randi and Angel in the Sand

Randi greets us at Landers Field, usually used for the Island's more popular sport, Beach Volleyball. Angel tests the sand for pebbles and its temperature.

"We started watching Merkan Football on the dish Coach Cumming used to have in his cabin," says Randi, "We thought it was pretty hot, so we tried to learn as much as we could about it before Coach's satellite was confiscated by the Empress." Read more »

Hot Fun In Hot Sand

Hot Fun In Hot Sand - Angel Sputz on Cover

Three enterprizing young ladies, Moon Beach Girls' Academy Graduates Angel Sputz and Randi Gatinho along with British Washashore Haelie Ann Love team up to bring a Merkan [ED: Carnipelagian slang for "American"] sport to the sandy shores of Carnipelago. Of course, they added their own twists, making the game as sizzlingly hot as the Carnopolis Beach sands.

On the cover, Angel Sputz poses with the odd-looking ball at Landers Field.

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