
Smokin' Kyndra Greets The Crowd

Smokin' Kyndra Greets The Crowd


It's always so smokey in the Silver Seal, especially when the high price of admission to Bikinirama includes enough hashish to stone you out of your mind. Here, Kyndra greets the crowd... as the music begins to play.


Cover of Bikinirama Article in April 1985 Edition


It was originally planned as an annual event, but became so popular that it became a seasonal event, and also a recruiting tool for the managers of the event's venue, the Silver Seal Nightclub in Carniville Park. This past spring's Bikinirama was one to remember, as much for a particular surprise appearance from a particular Caseme Arvore princess as it was for the brevity of the "bikini" fabric. Read more »

Vala's Perfect Ass

Vala's Perfect Ass


Deximo took one more shot, then packed up his kit and stumbled out without saying a word.

"I never slept with a clown girl before," Vala purred as he left, "You won't bite me will you?"

I couldn't promise that I wouldn't.

"Good," she giggled, "Backrub, please?"

I closed my notebook and got to work. The rest of the evening's activities will be left to our beloved readers' imaginations.

-- Jozzy Walker.

Vala Gets Ready For Bed

Vala Gets Ready For Bed


"Don't forget to pick up your socks before you leave, Dezmo," Vala smirked. "Unless I knocked them off back at the mezzanine."

I tried not to giggle.

"Jozzy, will you give me a backrub?"

I told the princess that I would be honored. But only if my photographer cousin could take one more picture.

"Oh, alright."

Imperial Rump

Imperial Rump


After revealing the skimpy, see-through string bikini, Vala seemed a little weary.

"Well, I'm going to lay down now and get naked, okay?" she yawned. "Dezmo, you can take one more picture before you leave. Jozzy, you can spend the night here if you like."

I liked.

Vala's Sheer Bikini

Vala's Sheer Bikini


"How's this?"


Angel Poses In Her Road Uni

Angel Poses In Her Road Uni

Randi hopes the other teams come together soon.

"I think Springfield's team will be the best," Randi boasts, "And hopefully not just 'cuz we made up all the rules."

Whether they're the best or not, we can't imagine any team looking better.

- Deximo Zincavage

Angel In The Latest Uniform Style

Venus Island Girl Page

After practice, Angel unveils the latest gameday uniform design.

"This would be a road uniform," she explains, "So the boys on the other side can see what they're missing."

"Unless they want to draw some penalties," giggles Randi.

Vinicious Has A Handful of Haelie

Vinicious Has A Handful of Haelie

...and bobbles...

"Vinny's got a bit of a horn," Haelie grunts, "Is there a penalty for that?"

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