Angel, Randi, and Vitor Discuss Recent Rule Changes

Angel, Randi, and Vitor Discuss Recent Rule Changes
March 1985
Hot Fun In Hot Sand


"We kind of changed a few more of the Merkan rules," Angel says, "For example, you can't run with the ball. You have to be carried. That's why we recruited the Tuccis to play on our team. Well, one of the reasons."

"We may have to part with one of them just for the sake of fairness," admits Randi, "I mean, they are the two strongest guys on the Island. We're still waiting for other teams to play against us and they're already complaining that we have two of the best carriers. And two of the hottest, too."

Angel Sputz
Randi Gatinho
Others Shown: 
Vitor and Vinicius Tucci
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