Behind The Scenes: Gigi Presses Again

Behind The Scenes: Gigi Presses Again
June 1985
Meet Gigi Johnson!


"You can use it in that other magazine you do... you know, that porno mag?"

It got quiet suddenly. I could hear some mumbling but nothing discernible. I tip-toed closer.

"Ah ha! So you DO porno after all," Gigi belted out before being quickly shushed by my cousin. I knew nothing about Deximo doing porn, and it was currently against imperial regulations since Eris II took the throne so this was very interesting. I stood quietly outside the curtain.

"Well, you could make shitloads of money," Gigi growled, "So if you don't have the balls to do it, I'm sure I can find someone who'll pay me..."

Gigi Johnson
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