Vala's Fine Young Imperial Ass

Vala's Fine Young Ass
April 1985


"Oh, don't worry, dumbass," Vala taunted, flaunting her firm ass as she leaned dangerously over the weak railing, "Tumblers can't make babies until they're 29. That's all I meant."

I had to laugh out loud at that point. I had known that and would have explained that to Deximo, but it was too much fun watching him panic about having taken lurid pictures of a school girl. Not that there is any law in Carnipelago against it.

"You can't fly through the air with the weight of swollen tits," she explained, "In fact, I was a little surprised that they let me join Tramptastic. I mean, it's not like I'm exactly flat chested. I could feed more than my share of babies with this rack. Don't you think."

I can't even print Deximo's response. It was sputteringly unintelligible. But he did nod.

"Let's go up to my cabin so you can take more pictures of my tits. And my ass."

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