Vala On The Mezzanine

Vala On The Mezzanine
April 1985

Above the Middle Cabins, we reached a broad platform that branched off to an intersection of ladders and stairways.

"This is the Mezzanine," Vala explained, reaching for a vine, "The Breeding Cabins are over there."

Breeding cabins. Acrobat culture is a very secretive and communal one. Off in the distance we could see that, indeed, there really were those fabled buildings.

"Emie knows I'm not old enough to breed," Vala muttered.

Deximo almost dropped his camera at that comment. He'd been leering and ogling her royal buttocks and breasts since the minute we arrived at the lower cabins. Now, the blood seemed to be draining from his face. I wish I had had a camera to capture the look in his face.

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