Emie Inspects The Rubber Suit

Vala and Emie In The Middle Cabins
April 1985


"And Mom is okay with this?" quizzed Emie.

"What's it to you? It's my suit," replied the heiress to the Carnipelagian Throne.

Mom. They referred to their Empress here as "Mom."

"Well, you look perfectly fuckable," said Emie, "Hell, I'd do you."

"Shut up. Don't be gay," Vala was still trying not to laugh, obviously feigning consternation with her friend's off-color remarks.

We'd already witnessed the relationship between these two world-class tumblers and were once again amused by it.

"Just think of all the guys out there jerking off to their future Empress," Emie continued.

"Emie! They can hear you," replied Vala but we don't think she was too concerned with her "Penis Island" photo crew overhearing their conversation.

"Well, isn't that the point?"

"Kinda," Vala snuck her friend a secret half-smile.

"Mom will love that."

"Uh huh."

Princess Emie
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