The Pink Rubber Catsuit

The Pink Rubber Catsuit
May 1985


Well, it certainly did cover her from head to toe. By the way, the pigtail wig was my idea. I thought she looked wild. Vinicious stretched the little speedo I gave him around his muscular ass and fat package while trying to keep from growling at his sister about the clear plastic she was draped in.

"What?" She asked.

"We'll talk about this when we get home," he quietly replied.

"Oh, this looks like a cover shot to me. Eight, nine, ten, maybe even eleven thou' for that, you know," chimed Deximo while looking for his light meter.

"Let's get this done, then," Vinicious muttered, after a long pause.

Wilona Tucci
Others Shown: 
Vitor and Vinicius Tucci
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