Street Clothes

Camilisa On East Broadway

Camilisa On East Broadway

Camilisa is just plain smokin' whatever she rides.

Cami's Trike

Cami's Trike

Water Polo star Camilisa Lima parks her tricycle out on Broadway East. "This is one of five motor tricycles that King Lucky had custom-made for the Circo clowns," explains Camilisa, "When he wanted me to play for his pro team out in Fornax, I told him that one of the trikes had to be part of the deal."

Hollie Mae Outside The Roxy

Hollie Mae Outside The Roxy

"I'd love to tell you that I won it in a poker game, but honestly, it was a gift. Some old Merkan guy donated his car collection to the tribe for some unknown reason and when they were steamed out here, King Lucky thought I should have it. As much as he loved watching me bend over looking for lost subway tokens," deadpans Hollie, "Yeah, I know, pretty sweet. And I didn't even have to suck his cock. Not that I wouldn't have."

Hollie Sees Her Poster On The Roxy Wall

Hollie Sees Her Poster

"Free plug! Free plug! I'm appearing here at the Roxy on Monday nights this month. See my poster over there? Can you get that in the shot? Oh, never mind, I look like shit in that one. By the way, when does this issue come out?"

Hollie on the Hood of her Fifty Seven

Hollie and Her Fifty Seven

"I'm not a poor clown girl anymore," Hollie says, "I once had to scavenge the gutters for subway tokens, but nowadays I get around in this cherry fifty-seven. Until it breaks down. Then I scavenge the gutters for subway tokens until Pete the Bumper Car mechanic can get around to fixing it."

Hollie Mae Lovett and her Fifty Seven

Venus Island Girl Page

Comedienne Hollie Mae Lovett poses outside the Roxy on Upper High Street with her '57 Chevy convertable.

Sami Sunshine And Her Raspberry BMW

Sami and Her Raspberry Beemer

"Your hour of taking my pictures is almost over, Dexmo!"

Sami Needs A Hand Getting Off Her Raspberry Bimmer

Sami Needs A Hand

"Oh, Sweet Mother! I almost dented my baby! Can you give me a hand?"

Sami Spies Some Subway Tokens Atop The Raspberry BMW

Sami Spies Some Subway Tokens Atop The Raspberry BMW

"Look! Some subway tokens! I claim them!" She then has second thoughts, "Well, actually, I guess I don't need them. Because I have a RASPBERRY BMW! I'll leave them for some poor clown girl to find..."

Sami and Her Raspberry Beemer

Sami and Her Raspberry Beemer

"If I could bring it back to South California, I'd probably get a lot of money for it now. How many people in Los Angeles have their own Raspberry Beemer? I didn't see too many! Well, I didn't see any!"

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