
Windi Sucks Down Another Cock Rocket

Windi Sucks Down Another Cock Rocket


"I think he's mad at me," she pondered aloud. "Oh, well."

I just smiled.

"His loss, right?" She winked at me after slamming back another gulp of Cock Rocket.

"His loss," I giggled. Alone with Windi. Wow.

"Shoot me, cutie-pie," She said.

So I did.

Windi Challenges Deximo's Professionalism

Windi Challenges Deximo's Professionalism

"You won't drink on the job. But you'll get a nice big boner on the job, won't you, Dexmo? Mister professional."

Windi The Cocktease

Windi The Cocktease

"You're so full of shit, Dexmo," she giggled.

Cock Rocket Coconut Rum

Cock Rocket Coconut Rum


Deximo fiddled with his light meter and muttered some comment about how Windi was already on her third bottle of that rum.

"It's Cock Rocket. Only 40 calories," she said. Deximo had a hard time diverting his attention to the bottle she held in her hand. "See? Right there. I could drink it all night long, Dexmo. Want some?"

Deximo made some comment then (he refused to let me quote him, if you're wondering) about how he was a 'professional' and didn't drink on the job.

Where's My Rum?

Where's My Rum?


With a loud pop of her bubblegum, she giggled, "Where's my rum?"

Deximo handed it to her, and we were speechless. That body was barely contained in a tiny pink slingshot that could genuinely be called indecent. Was it Venus Island Girl fare? It was now, Deximo decided. Yow.

"I was saving this for Prime Minister Blake, that fucker." She twirled around, popping another bubble, "His loss!"

Venus Island Girl - January 1985 - Page 5

Princess Vala models a cute little sling from Mankandy out on Carnopolis Beach.

Princess Vala models a cute little sling from Mankandy out on Carnopolis Beach.

Venus Island Girl - January 1985 - Page 4

Princess Vala is looking for her favorite lifeguard... yes, he's male. Is it you

Princess Vala is looking for her favorite lifeguard... yes, he's male. Is it you?

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