Page B45 - The Lonely Seaway

The Lonely Seaway

"Only two miles... It felt like a lot more than that but what could I do? I just kept telling myself that this was all some kind of a test. Well, at least I didn't blow my wad all over my Mestre's right hand lady. That would have been hard to cover up. And to be honest, I doubt I would have even tried to lie. He would have known, somehow, that I'd failed, even if somehow I'd sworn Odete to secrecy.

And the way she was slamming back the rum and squeezing my member makes me think that she's a lot less sweet and innocent than she first appeared.

Maybe she was even sent by Pucky to make sure I fail. He did it with Haelie Anne somehow, so I'm sure he can do it with his handpicked personal assistant. In fact, she could be next in line to Pucky's title for all I know.

Then again, it could have been the rum. That black bee rum will make folks do crazy things... crazy things. Still, Camilisa can be a devious little cherub, and the way she and Odete were so chummy makes me wonder if there's more to the little poor girl from Springfield than I first thought when I met her in the Hookah Lounge.

I never thought my future in tribal politics would be saved by a hurricane, but that's what just happened.

Two miles. Only two miles. The batteries in the flashlight were beginning to noticeably wane and I began to curse my stupid situation... walking barefoot down a lonely sea road wearing nothing but a sandy blanket around my waist... My feet were beginning to hurt when I heard the sound of an engine pulling up behind me...."

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