
Camilisa Stops Traffic

Camilisa Stops Traffic

Our chat and photoshoot was cut short when the driver of the D Line bus began to carp about Camilisa's trike being in his way.

"Oh, for the love of God, can't you get around me? Sweet mother," exclaimed Camilisa, to the driver, "Are you that shitty of a driver? God help your fucking passengers, you ape. Alright, I'm out of here."

And so were we. -- Deximo Zincavage.

Camilisa And Her Trike

Camilisa And Her Trike

"I'm still pretty much a poor clown girl at heart," says Camilisa, "I still ride the subway, and the buses, but more and more people are coming up to me and wanting to chit chat about water polo. It's flattering and all, but at least now I have some wheels of my own to rip around on. Especially when I'm late for practice!"

Sami Sunshine And Her Raspberry BMW

Sami and Her Raspberry Beemer

"Your hour of taking my pictures is almost over, Dexmo!"

Sami Needs A Hand Getting Off Her Raspberry Bimmer

Sami Needs A Hand

"Oh, Sweet Mother! I almost dented my baby! Can you give me a hand?"

Sami Spies Some Subway Tokens Atop The Raspberry BMW

Sami Spies Some Subway Tokens Atop The Raspberry BMW

"Look! Some subway tokens! I claim them!" She then has second thoughts, "Well, actually, I guess I don't need them. Because I have a RASPBERRY BMW! I'll leave them for some poor clown girl to find..."

Sami and Her Raspberry Beemer

Sami and Her Raspberry Beemer

"If I could bring it back to South California, I'd probably get a lot of money for it now. How many people in Los Angeles have their own Raspberry Beemer? I didn't see too many! Well, I didn't see any!"

Sami Flashes Her High Beams

Sami Flashes Her High Beams

Sami Sunshine poses in the headlights of her vintage raspberry BMW out on Old High Street in Carniville Proper. "I got it in South California," she says, "It was a wreck at first, but I had it steamed back home and Pete the Bumper Car mechanic fixed it up. I didn't really pick the color. It was the only color he had enough of to cover it. I think it's pretty cute, don't you?"

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