High Heels

Vica and Effie

Vica and Effie


Vica and Effie exchange "olas" while Effie watches Xe and Shorty making out in the pool.

"Already at it, she is..." Effie notes.

Vica sighs and nods, "Want a drink?"

Andie Tries On Odete's Suggestion

Andie Tries On Odete's Suggestion


Andie tries on one of the pieces Odete offered, while they engaged in some smalltalk.

Andie Calls Up To Her Boyfriend

Andie Calls Her Boyfriend


She leaned over toward the spiral stairway that leads up to the rooftop and shouted, "Papi! We have company..."

After a bried pause in the increasingly annoying tromboning... it began again... even louder...

"Oh, shit," sighed Andie, "He's not thrilled..."

We asked if perhaps we should pick another day.

"No, no, no. Help me pick out a bathing suit that will... assuage, shall we say... his temporary aggitation..."

I loved the way this woman talked. Like a politician. And helping her pick out a suit? More than excited for that...

Andie Lee and Her Fish

Andie Lee and Her Fish


Before heading upstairs, Andie shows off her aquarium full of massive clownfish...

Andie Pose 3

Andie Pose 3

Andie's poses in front of her living room table, while informing us that welcome to sleep on her couches...

Andie Lets Us In

Andie Lets Us In


Andie also didn't seem to mind that the camera was already flashing as she answered the door in nothing but a sheer man's-style shirt, lace thong and pumps...

Andie Welcomes Us..

Andie Welcomes VIG


Andie seemed to have forgotten that we were arriving at her contemporary, stylish home out in a remote, seaside section of Carniville Heights, but was gracious enough to make the best of us.

Una Arrives In The Rumpus Room

Una Arrives In The Rumpus Room


Soon after Randi departs, Una arrives... looking about as delicious as I've ever seen her before. Perhaps she's taken Angel's place on whatever 'excursion' Iris had in mind... though by then, the last boat for Carniville would have been long gone.

Una Shows Up In The Scoring Room

Una Shows Up


Before the conversation was over, Una Dali, her new breasts swaying and dancing hypnotically, showed up in the Scoring Room. Apparently Angel had told her that Iris wanted a word with her.

Iris Pose #4

Iris Pose #4


I was later able to glean that Iris did offer Deximo several nights in the future of "mind-blowing dirty, nasty sex" some of her "hot young new recruits" if he would go home that night and leave Randi with her. But I don't know to this day whether he took her up on it... and that's not something he would share with me, anyway. And considering the depths of Iris's depravity, I'm not sure I want to know.

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