
Gigi Likes Quenna's Bikini

Gigi Likes Quenna's Bikini


"Now if I had a body like that, I could wear just about anything in here..."

We assured Gigi that we liked her body just fine.

"Oh, stop... I would totally fall out of something like that..."

Gigi seemed a little indecisive on what to try on first, like most rabid shoppers, so Deximo suggested some sheer and frilly pajamas and they made their way to the dressing rooms...

Introduction: Gigi Waffles

Gigi And Her Bike


Gigi would not commit to anything without consulting her brother, she told us, so we waited to hear back from her. But the popularity of the few shots we got in May's edition led us to take a more proactive approach to winning her over...

Deximo and Jozzy Suggest Additional Ideas To Wilona

Deximo and Jozzy Suggest Additional Ideas To Wilona


Just as we were discussing some additional ideas... perhaps rolling out the human-size aquarium or something like that... the conversation was interrupted by the sound of loud bootsteps.

Wilona Chats With Deximo

Wilona Chats With Deximo


While I put the finishing touches on the white drop, Deximo tells Wilona to get comfortable in the pink egg chair.

Wilona Meets Our Photographer

Wilona Meets Our Photographer


Kyndra clearly knows Deximo. Hopefully that will help his case as he makes an offer of a Venus Island Girl pictorial to the young Tucci.

She appears sceptical.

Wilona And Kyndra Hear An Eavesdropper

Wilona And Kyndra Hear An Eavesdropper


With the charm and skill of a seasoned ambassador, our photographer gets the lovely giques' attention with a poorly faked clearing of the throat. Ingenious.

Kyndra and Wilona Embrace

Kyndra and Wilona Embrace


Kyndra seemed to be telling Wilona that she could someday work with her at the Silver Seal and that she would immediately talk to her boss, the flamboyant Pucky Luxx, about the possibility.

Wilona Pouts After Finishing Second At Bikinirama

Wilona Pouts After Finishing Second At Bikinirama


After a wild, controversial Bikinirama, our trusty photographer, my cousin Deximo, noticed a rather distraught Wilona Tucci brooding in the hallway and decided to fertively take some photographs.

Windi Is Joined By Her Posse - Kimba Barely Knows They're There

Windi Is Joined By Her Posse

(Kyndra seems to be directing Windi to the VIP lounges.)

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