Welcoming In 2014 With Lots of Nina... and More!

Nina: Devastating In Clear PVC

First let me apologize for the dearth of new material since this past fall. Since we don't make any money aside from some very generous donations (which are all reward with a special thank you image), we have to work more on our freelance design projects and that has been the case lately. Anyway, who cares about that? There's a new free gallery at VenusIslandGirl.com!

It's called Nina: Scenes from Future Scenarios. Click here to check it out!

As you will see, there is a LOT of new material in the works, we just haven't had the chance to package and deliver it, and in some cases decide how to do either or both. Also, we are still developing the structure of what will hopefully be a pay site, called The Sea Of Secrets - http://seaofsecrets.com/

Thank you for joining our mailing list and we hope you enjoy the new images. There are more on the way in the next couple weeks. And you can also see works in progress on our DeviantArt page:

All the best,

PS: And don't forget to try our sponsors!

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